Free Screenings

At Rooted Integrative Speech Therapy Center, PLLC, we offer complimentary pediatric screenings for speech and language therapy. These screenings are a quick, efficient way to determine if your child may benefit from a full evaluation. Unlike a comprehensive evaluation, a screening is a brief assessment focused on identifying potential areas of concern in speech, language, or communication. Early detection is key, and our goal is to ensure that any issues are addressed promptly. Schedule your child’s free screening today to take the first step towards supporting their communication development.

Rooted Services



  • A Speech Therapy Evaluation is a detailed assessment conducted by a Speech-Language Pathologist to identify and understand speech, language, and communication challenges. This evaluation is essential for creating a tailored treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual.

    Key Components:

    1. Speech Sound Assessment: Evaluates the clarity and accuracy of speech sounds to identify any articulation or phonological issues.

    2. Language Comprehension and Expression: Assesses the ability to understand language (receptive language) and use language to communicate (expressive language).

    3. Voice and Fluency: Examines the quality, pitch, volume, and fluency of speech, identifying issues like stuttering or voice disorders.

    4. Social Communication: Observes the use of language in social contexts, including understanding and using nonverbal communication cues.

    5. Cognitive Communication: Assesses skills like memory, attention, problem-solving, and organization as they relate to communication.

    6. Oral Motor Skills: Evaluates the strength, coordination, and function of the muscles involved in speaking.


    The Speech Therapy Evaluation provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s communication abilities, pinpointing areas of difficulty. The results guide the creation of a customized treatment plan to help improve speech, language, and overall communication skills.


    Coming soon!

An Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of the muscles and functions of the face, mouth, and tongue, focusing on how these structures interact during activities like breathing, chewing, swallowing, and speaking. This evaluation is typically conducted by a specialist, such as a Speech-Language Pathologist trained in orofacial myology.

Key Components of an Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation:

  1. Assessment of Muscle Function: Evaluates the strength, coordination, and movement of the facial, oral, and tongue muscles.

  2. Examination of Oral Habits: Identifies habits like thumb sucking, nail-biting, or lip licking that could contribute to orofacial myofunctional disorders.

  3. Breathing Patterns: Assesses whether the child is a nasal or mouth breather, as mouth breathing can impact facial development and oral functions.

  4. Swallowing Patterns: Analyzes how the tongue and other oral structures function during swallowing, checking for tongue thrust or improper swallowing techniques.

  5. Speech Articulation: Reviews how the positioning and movement of the oral structures affect speech sounds.

  6. Posture: Observes the resting posture of the lips, tongue, and jaw, as abnormal postures can indicate orofacial myofunctional disorders.

Purpose of the Evaluation:

The evaluation aims to identify any dysfunctions in the orofacial muscles that could be affecting a person’s ability to breathe properly, speak clearly, chew efficiently, or swallow safely. Results from the evaluation help in developing a targeted therapy plan to correct or improve these functions, often involving exercises to strengthen and coordinate the muscles of the face, mouth, and tongue.

This type of evaluation is especially important for individuals with speech articulation issues, orthodontic concerns, sleep-disordered breathing, or those who have developed compensatory habits affecting oral function.



Speech Therapy is a specialized service provided by a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) to help individuals improve their communication skills. This therapy addresses various aspects of communication, including speech production, language development, voice, fluency, and social communication. It can benefit people of all ages, from children with speech delays to adults recovering from strokes or other neurological conditions.

Key Areas of Focus:

  1. Speech Sound Production: Helps improve the clarity of speech by addressing articulation and phonological disorders.

  2. Language Development: Supports the development of expressive and receptive language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.

  3. Voice Therapy: Works on improving voice quality, pitch, volume, and resonance for those with voice disorders.

  4. Fluency: Addresses issues like stuttering to enhance the smoothness and flow of speech.

  5. Social Communication: Teaches effective communication strategies for interacting in social settings, including understanding and using nonverbal cues.

  6. Cognitive Communication: Focuses on skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving that are essential for effective communication.


The goal of Speech Therapy is to help individuals communicate more effectively, improving their ability to express themselves, understand others, and engage in social interactions. Therapy is personalized based on the specific needs of each individual, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their communication development.


Coming soon!

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a specialized treatment focused on correcting dysfunctions of the muscles and functions of the face, mouth, and tongue. These dysfunctions can impact breathing, chewing, swallowing, and speaking. OMT is typically provided by a trained Speech-Language Pathologist or an Orofacial Myologist.

Key Areas of Focus:

  1. Tongue Posture: Corrects improper resting positions of the tongue, which can affect breathing and oral development.

  2. Swallowing Patterns: Addresses issues like tongue thrust or incorrect swallowing techniques to promote safe and efficient swallowing.

  3. Oral Habits: Helps eliminate harmful habits such as thumb sucking, nail-biting, or lip licking, which can interfere with normal orofacial development.

  4. Muscle Strength and Coordination: Improves the strength, coordination, and function of the muscles involved in facial expressions, chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

  5. Breathing Patterns: Encourages proper nasal breathing, which is crucial for overall health and proper facial development.


The goal of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is to restore normal function to the muscles of the face, mouth, and tongue, leading to improved speech, swallowing, breathing, and overall oral health. OMT can be particularly beneficial for individuals with speech articulation issues, orthodontic concerns, sleep-disordered breathing, or persistent oral habits.

Workshops and Professional Consulations

Workshops offer interactive learning experiences on speech and language development, practical therapeutic strategies, and the latest research in the field.

Consultations provide personalized support through detailed individual assessments, customized treatment planning, caregiver guidance, and expert advice tailored to specific speech and language needs.